Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Introducing Clan Morragul

Hi. Back again for a new post to introduce my army in progress.

I started off buying models based purely on aesthetic.  Who were the baddest arsed dudes I could get and then building some sort of army around them. Not very mechanistic or systematic (Ferrus would be unhappy and probably execute me - fuck him, he's dead anyway), but it worked for me.
Anyway, here goes:

Age of Darkness army using Rite of War : Company of Bitter Iron
Makes Immortals Troops and grants Hatred traitors. 

Autek Mor - Iron Father,  Father to the Brethren of Iron
(All round dick kicker)

5 Gorgon Terminators with Heavy Flamer and chain fist riding in a Dreadclaw (dreading building this thing, have a Wolves drop army for 40k and pods are so irritating to put together and paint)

MKIII Tactical squad. Sergeant with artificer armour and power sword. Riding in a rhino with multi melta (need to Base these guys)

MkIV Tactical squad. Sergeant with artificer armour and powerfist (work in progress)

Immortals x10 with 2 grav guns, sergeant with artificer armour and power sword riding around in Storm Eagle with melta and las cannon

Leviathan called "Weisz"  with either snippy claw and drill fist or snippy claw and storm cannon. (Built this guy at Christmas in my living room with my Mrs and son while they watched  'The Sound of Music". I in the meantime was thinking how savage and arse kicking a Leviathan would  be. He's named Weisz after Eidleweisz.)

Sicaran Venator :built, primed and ready for paint

None Prisma shots below. Prisma is just fun and makes average painting above average.

That's my work in progress army, when all painted and together the army clocks in at 2k points of mal adjusted awesomness. Am happy with how they are coming together. Am not an incredible painter,  but they look good enough to me.

 At some point I will right up a Tactica on how I see these chaps being used.

For now though thanks for reading and remember....

The Flesh is Weak.

Saturday, 6 August 2016

My take on the Iron Xth : the Morragul

Hey. So here's this week's post, an introduction to my chosen Clan, the Clan Morragul Iron Hands.

So who are the Morragul I hear you say? Morragul are dark, a home for the most unstable elements of the Legion. They appeal because Morragul play right on the edge of what it means to be loyal. They are not nice guys, rather cold hearted,  straight forward murderers. When I finally get the army done I want a crew who win lose or draw, always take some names and kick some dicks in savage style. 

Here's the Morragul sigil. Its a claw/talon:

And they are led by Autek Mor, this dude

Here's what Lexicanium has to say about my main man. Autek Mor was an Iron Hands Iron Father and Lord of theMorragul Clan during the Horus Heresy. Mor had a sinister reputation within his own Legion, and dark rumours maintained that the origin of his gene-seed were not as they should be. A Terran by birth, he was a veteran of the Iron Hands first recruits before the rediscovery of Ferrus Manus and took part in the conquest of the Sol System. By the time of his Primarch's finding, he had already developed a reputation as both a weaponsmith and malevolent soul, already having killed several of his own legion in duels over slights to his honor and ruling his Clan Company with an iron fist.[1]
On Medusa he took over the outlaw Ra'Guln Clan's leviathan crawler in a bloody night of violence and made himself its lord, impritng on it his name and will. In the years to follow his Morragul Clan became a sink for the outcasts and most unstable elements of the Legion. Mor and Manus had no love for one another, but despite this, when his Grand Cruiser Red Talon arrived in the Isstvan V System he attacked fought valiantly on the side of the loyalists. His ship took heavy damage in a space engagement and he fled the system, dogged by Traitor pursuers.[1]
Mor remained an active resistance fighter for the loyalist cause, raising the World Eatersworld of Bodt in 008.M31.[2]
Soooooo, sinsister reputation, dark rumours, weaponsmith and malevolent soul who rules his clan company with an iron fist. Check check check check check.  What is not to like about this badass! And let's not go into when he dropped a moon on a planet because they pissed him off. SAVAGE.
Next time I will drop some WIPs of my army