Friday, 28 October 2016

Work in progress update

Greetings. Here's an update on work in progress on Clan Morragul.

There's a lot going on be it Anvillus shennanigans,  Mark IV power armour, Mark III vets and planning the next wave of purchases. Check out below for more info.

Mark III vets - got some mini magnets from Element Games. Fitting them to some Mark III Istvaan survivors who have tooled themselves up with plasma guns to go power armour hunting. On the days they feel more like firing .50 cal self propelled rockets they can have bolt guns and hang out with my other 10 Mark III dudes forming a 15 man gang of ass kickers.

Mark IV - 10 chaps either as a Tactical squad or a veteran squad. Again,  magnetised gauntlets mean I can choose between bolters and plasma guns or combi weapons. They can wedgie the Gorgons and bag the anvillus for alpha strike execution or cruise in a rhino doing drive bys.

Reinforcements being requisitioned - yes indeed, I plan on purchasing my first super heavy. A Malcador Assault tank. More on the why in my next post. Feeling pretty exited by this bad lad.

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Anvillus Incoming!

After a busy few weeks at work I'm back on it with progress on the Dreadclaw. This is going to be the sweet ride of my Gorgons. Not too bad to build, a bit monotonous to paint but super cool on the battlefield. Now thinking of which transfers to apply....


Just moving rooms around in my house which means the Iron Xth are living on a windowsill for a day.