Monday, 12 September 2016

Tanky Tank Mctankface

Here's an update as to what I have been up to over the last few weeks.

Focus has primarily been on my Sicaran Venator. This model is cool. The wide blocky hull packed with a neutron laser and all of the associated capacitors and stuff in a very functional way is very Iron Hands.

Having not really enjoyed painting my rhino I approached this model with some trepidation. I think the reason the rhino was tough was that it was my first tank. Tanks are different to infantry with large flat plates meaning laying paint down needs a different set of skills. I think where I went wrong with the rhino was that my paint was too thick making it streaky. Putting washes over just emphasised the issue and this led to 4 or so coats which really annoyed me.

So, having come to the conclusion that thinner paint was the way forward I got into the Venator and guess what, it worked! Thinner paint with a tank brush went down smooth and even with no issues whatsoever. Highlighting the tank was a pleasure and I even managed some blending during the process.

Below is where the Venator is now. I need to paint up the pintel mounted heavy bolter and assemble the sponsor mounted bolters plus get transfers on, but I am super chuffed with where it stands now. Once the transfers are on i will christen the badass with a name. I have 2 ideas (not tanky tank mctankface).

Other progress includes 80% completion of a Mk4 Tactical squad (with a new tech identified and assembly and undercoating of a Dreadclaw for my Gorgons to ride in.

Until next time.

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