Wednesday, 21 December 2016

December Update

Came across this image today on the Iron Hands Facebook group. Think this chap looks pretty nails.

Quick update:

It's now the Xmas holidays and I will have more time for hobby. Over the last few weeks I have been beavering away on my MK3/4 Tacticals/vets & Tribune in the odd moment I have managed to find. They are nearly done and I am pleased with how they look. Photos are below:

Plus -  reinforcements have dropped from orbit in the form of 2 mk3 heavy weapons squads. 1 with lascannon for armour annihilation and 1 with the exotic and shooty volkite culverins. Both under slung for max cool.

Not only that but the man himself Ferrus has suited himself up and unslung his big ass hammer.

Oh, and then there's the Malcador. Yup. Baby super heavy here we come. Feeling extremely positive about the Xth into 2017. Happy New Year all and remember to go easy on the tequila as the flesh is weak.

Autek out.

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